Highest salaries around the globe by country

It’s results always interesting to know where globally speaking we can get “as employees” the highest salaries. I got very interested to know the answer so I decided to start to look for it. We can find an immense biography about this topic with millions of research and statistics and different potin of view about how to measure it.

I got a report from Mercer called “International Geographic Salary Differentials report” which showed what exactly I was looking for. An index with a relative pay levels worldwide. For sure this index can help employers make informed salary decisions to control costs and ensure competitive pay across markets but also to employees to make their own decisions.

All multinational organizations compete diligently for specialized and skilled talent, they can’t afford to misalign salaries with local market standards. In the era of the globalization be equipped with accurate and timely geographic salary differentials is a must. Organizations can guard against under- and over-paying key positions — either of which would have serious ramifications for operations.

See below a very interesting infographic about what are the countries who best pay.

Pay Differs Significantly by CountryBorja Burguillos

Global Mobility: What talent is moving around the world?

Below you can see a interesting infographic made by Mercer Think about who is taking an international assignments and why.

Global Mobility is gonna be the main important challenge for HR during the rest of the century, so I would like to highlight the words of Anne Rossier-Renaud -Principal in Mercer’s global mobility business- whom said “Many companies do not have a clear selection process that would include assessing an employee’s suitability for an international assignment, whether at initial recruitment or upon assignment opportunity. Then, when qualified candidates are found, employers need to address potential obstacles to mobility, such as dual career and family issues, which may prevent candidates from accepting an international assignment”.

We have a long way to learn.